Media Literacy Quiz: Can You Spot Fake News & Misinformation?

Do you know how to differentiate between real and fake news? Or are you a serial forwarder? Find out now with our media literacy quiz!

Hello everyone! Ever been on a news site or social media platform, and something makes you pause and think, “Wait, is this legit?” The internet is our whole world right now. And with it being a crazy maze of stories, information, and the occasional sprinkle of wild (namely absolutely fake) tales, it’s become a modern-day challenge to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Yes. As you’re sipping your morning coffee, skimming through headlines on your favorite social media or news channel, everything seems regular until…BAM! An article claims scientists have created a monkey entirely in the lab. Part of you chuckles, another part wonders, “What if?” And just then, your dad shares the same news on Whatsapp. And in that fleeting moment, the lines between reality and fiction blur.

So that’s why I’ve created my fake news gullibility checker quiz. Whether you’re from the crowded lanes of Kolkata, the hustling streets of New York, the serene countryside of New Zealand, or the bustling markets of Bangkok, this quiz speaks a universal language — the language of curiosity and the quest for truth.

But why, you ask, is such a quiz relevant? Glad you asked! Misinformation isn’t just about believing a wrong fact. It’s more than that. It’s about the attitude we nurture, the skepticism we lose or harness, and the patterns of belief we pass down to the younger generation. What we believe in creates a ripple effect, as we influence those around us. It’s essential, now more than ever, to understand our own perceptions and how easily they can be influenced.

Think of this quiz as the gym for your brain, where you find out how much you flex those cognitive muscles to differentiate between the sneaky fakes and the real deals. By the end, not only will you have a few laughs (and perhaps some forehead-slapping moments), but you’ll also have a refreshed perspective on the importance of media literacy in our information-packed world.

You just read a news piece on social media that said "Experts warn another toilet paper shortage is coming this month!" What do you think?
toilet paper shortage is coming this month
Buy a year's supply immediately.
Check multiple reports before believing.
Shared because, hey, it's funny!
Shared because, hey, it may be true, and I’m happy to inform my family/ friends!



You get an email from a distant relative with a wild headline about the world ending in 2032. What's your next move?
the world ending in 2032
Forward to five friends so the bad luck doesn't get you.
Sigh, and then mark it as spam.
Investigate! Is this a potential scoop?
Reply with a funny meme.



How do you usually get your daily news?
get your daily news
Cross-reference a few reputable online sites.
Social media feeds, duh!
Word of mouth and forwarded emails - they’re more than enough, thanks!



When you see a sensational headline, what's your gut reaction?
sensational headline 2
I knew it! I'll spread the word.
Let's see the sources and evidence first.
Popcorn time! Drama alert!
Post it with "#MindBlown".



What’s your litmus test for a trustworthy news source?
litmus test for a trustworthy
Good old radio, newspapers and TV channels from my youth.
Whether they have a track record for transparency and unbiased, factual reporting.
If it has viral content, it's legit. And the number of comments under the article. More comments = more legit, right?
If a celebrity says it, or my family forwards it on Whatsapp.



Why do you think spotting fake news matters?
Why do you think spotting fake news matters
Less drama at family gatherings.
Helps maintain a well-informed, educated society.
Gives me bragging rights online.
Keeps my inbox free from those "Is this true?" emails.



Before hitting "share," you typically...
Before hitting share
Think about the chain letter from '03 I ignored and the "bad luck" that followed.
Double-check facts and see if it's reported elsewhere.
Ponder the emojis that'll get the most reactions.
Consider if it'll spice up the family group chat.



Remember the time "they" said "eating carrots helps you see in the dark"?
eating carrots helps you see in the dark
I still eat them nightly, just in case.
That was wartime propaganda to confuse the enemy!
If that were true, I'd be Batman by now.
I tried it once during a blackout. Didn't work.



An article online says, "Miracle drug found: Cures EVERYTHING in one pill!" Your thoughts?
Miracle drug found
Order a dozen! And one for Aunt Margie.
Sounds too good to be true. Needs verification.
Share because miracles happen, right?
Ask my health-conscious friends.



A WhatsApp forward claims "The Great Wall of China is visible from space!" You've heard this one, so you think:
The Great Wall of China is visible from space
Totally true! Aunt Becky told me at the family BBQ.
A myth. Astronauts have debunked this one!
I mean, if you squint?
Only if you're using Google Earth.



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Media Literacy Quiz: Do You Forward Misinformation?



But I'm also %%personality%%



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